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UML Sequence Diagram

Hylimo is able to efficiently draw sequence diagrams. On top of that, it is the most efficient tool we know to draw any typical sequence diagram: Sequence diagrams defined in Hylimo are the most maintainable sequence diagrams you will have ever created.

Basic principle

Since sequence diagrams model when (and where) something happens, it should be modeled in a way that shows the when at a glance.
In other words: Order matters!
The sequence diagram always knows only the currently available information and nothing on top.


In a sequence diagram, we have the following concepts:

  • Participant: A component that "participates" in the diagram, so something/someone whose behavior should be modeled.
    It can be one of the following:
    • an instance without a name (User)
    • an instance with a name (Bob: User)
    • an actor (a stickman symbolizing a user), optionally with a name
  • Lifeline: the entire duration a participant is alive, symbolized by the dotted line downwards
  • Event: an x/y coordinate linking a point in time to a participant, accessed by using the syntax event.participant, so i.e. startPayment.User.\
  • Message: arrow between two events with a semantic meaning
  • Activity: the time a participant is active
  • Frame: A box around some events. Can optionally contain a name (i.e. if, while), and sub compartments

Order matters

Below, you'll find the order in which you should declare things so that they work as expected.
Hylimo walks through the diagram from left to right, and then from top to bottom.

First, declare all participants (instance, actor) in the order you want to display them as they will be positioned on the x axis in this order:


This example creates three participants, reading from left to right as Bob, Shop and lastly a user called Admin.

Now that we've populated our x axis, let's move on with the y axis.

The main way to move forward on the y axis in a sequence diagram is through events.
An event needs a name to refer to it later on and automatically moves downward on the y axis.
To illustrate this, we've enabled the debugging mode here and below that visualizes exactly where Hylimo places the given coordinates.
You can enable the debugging mode yourself by setting enableDebugging = true, or disabling it by omitting it/setting it to false.
This is the precise purpose of it: It should help you understand what action will lead to what outcome.
Of course, once you want to finish your diagram, we recommend to turn it off again to not confuse your diagram readers.


As you can see above, the name should be understandable for you to know exactly which action is symbolized by this event. This name will never be shown anywhere.

For most cases, the default value for how far away the next event will be good-enough. Nevertheless, in cases where you want an explicit distance to the predecessor, you are free to do so:


This positions the event 50 pixels below its predecessor. Note that while negative values are allowed here, they won't make any sense: Instead, you can also move the previous event up by that amount and invert their meanings.

Both event and participant names will be registered as variables if they didn't exist already. In case they existed already, the existing name takes precedence. If their name is already used by something else, you can assign the result of these functions to a variable of your own choosing:


Sometimes, you want to send messages where some time delta happens in between.
However, the normal Hylimo behavior for A --> B is to use the most recent event as y coordinate, not any y coordinate.
To achieve the time delta in spite of these inherent limitations, use the notation participant.on(event) which forces Hylimo to use the participant at the specified point in time:


Now, we have the basic knowledge to go on with the remaining features that are all relative to the latest event.

Interacting with participants

There is a bunch of things you can do with participants, depending on if there is a latest defined event:

  • you can postpone the creation of a participant by defining it after an event:


  • You can destroy a participant:


  • You can reanimate a dead participant:


  • You can activate and deactivate a participant, meaning that it is actively working on something:


Note as well that there are three dots when an event meets an activity indicator, except for the initial event. This has the following reason:
Hylimo automatically infers where to place the arrow between participants sending/receiving a message: In general, a sent message is sent on the right and a received message is received on the left side of the indicator (this is a simplified, slightly incorrect explanation for the sake of brevity). These left and right coordinates show exactly the points where a message will be send/received from.
The third point, the center shows where the event would have been located originally. It is "missing" when creating a new indicator as it is located behind the indicator (remember: Hylimo only knows what is currently available, and the indicator does not yet exist when it creates the points)

  • Even multiple times simultaneously:


As you can see in this example, you can also use events to simulate margins, as we explicitly defined a pseudo-event whose only purpose is to add 5 pixels on the y-axis between the first indicator and the second one.

important: Since Hylimo only has access to the currently known state, we recommend the following order of execution:
activate operations are the first operations after defining an event.
Messages are sent after activate operations.
deactivate operations are the last operations for this event.


The following messages are available within sequence diagrams (in both directions, of course):


Global variables within sequence diagrams

The following global variables are available and modifiable within sequence diagrams:

VariableMeaningDefault value (in pixels)Comment
activityShiftHow far on the x axis subsequent simultaneously active activity indicators on the same participant are shifted3-
activityWidthHow wide an activity indicator should be10-
destroyingCrossSizeThe width and height of a participant-destruction cross20-
enableDebuggingToggles the debugging mode for sequence diagrams printing additional infofalseRarely useful
eventDistanceHow far to move downward on the y axis with the next event25Do not use a multiple of 10 for your own sake
externalMessageDiameterWidth and height of the circle of lost and found messages20-
externalMessageDistanceHow far away on the x axis a lost or found message should be drawn95100-(0.5*activityWidth), chosen so that it aligns on the grid when sending a message against one activity indicator
frameMarginXDefault margin to apply on the left and right side of frames20-
frameMarginYDefault margin to apply on the top and bottom of frames5margin, we recommend keeping them in sync
marginMargin to add to almost any interaction, i.e. to activity indicator endings5A non-0 value makes the diagram slightly inaccurate but more visually appealing
participantDistanceHow far apart subsequent participants should be200Multiple of 100 to align participants on the grid

Precise method documentation


Activates a participant at the y coordinate (minus margin) of the most recent event. The same participant can be activated multiple times simultaneously.


  • 0: the participant (instance or actor) to activate
  • xShift: an optional shift on the x-axis when using multiple activity indicators simultaneously on the same instance. Defaults to activityShift
  • yOffset: an optional offset on the y-axis where to start being active. Defaults to margin

returms: the created indicator


Creates a stickman figure symbolising a user.
An actor can optionally be instanced, meaning that they possess certain attributes.
An instanced actor is an actor that has a stickman on top and an instance below it.


  • 0: the optional name of the user. Defaults to User
  • 1: A function that sets the instance values of this actor, making this actor instanced.
    If this function is set, the stickman will be placed on top of a newly created instance
    The stickman specifically can then be styled/layouted using instanced-actor(-element).
    To access the created instance, use <return value>.instance
  • below: the optional participant below which this actor should be placed. If set, this actor will have the same x coordinate as the given value and the y coordinate of the current event

returns: the created stickman. If this actor is instanced, you can access the instance using <return value>.instance


Deactivates the most recent indicator of the given participant


  • 0: the participant to deactivate


Destroys the given participant.


  • 0: the participant to destroy
  • crossSize: The width and height of the cross to draw. Defaults to destroyingCrossSize

returns: the created cross


Creates a new event. params:

  • 0: the name of the event. Can be used as variable afterward if not already declared
  • 1: an optional distance on the y-axis to the previous event. Defaults to eventDistance

returns: the created event


Creates the dot signaling a message from an external source. Should always be used inline as a message from something else:


Is exactly the same as lostMessage, the meaning comes from the direction in which you declare the message


  • distance: the optional distance of the message on the x axis. Defaults to externalMessageDistance
  • diameter: the optional diameter of the dot. Defaults to externalMessageDiameter

returns: the created dot


Only available within the function of a frame. Adds a new fragment to this frame. A fragment is the following:

  • An optional line on top separating the previous fragment,
  • An optional name of this fragment (i.e. if, else, while, …)
  • An optional border around the name
  • An optional subtext, i.e. a condition


  • 0: the event or y axis coordinate to use for the top line, so the uppermost y coordinate of this frame
  • text: The optional name of this fragment
  • subtext: The optional subtext of this fragment
  • hasLine: Whether to draw the line on top. Defaults to true
  • hasIcon: Whether to draw the border around the name. Defaults to text != null

returns: A data object containing all this data plus the newly created elements


Creates a new frame around the given coordinates.


  • topLeft: The top left coordinate (event) to draw the frame around. The border will be extended by frameMarginX to the left and frameMarginY to the top by default
  • bottomRight: The bottom right coordinate (event) to draw the frame around. The border will be extended by frameMarginX to the right and frameMarginY at the bottom by default
  • text: The optional name of this frame, i.e. if or while
  • subtext: The optional subtext of this fragment, i.e. a condition
  • hasIcon: Whether to draw the border around the name. Defaults to text != null
  • marginRight: An optional margin to use on the right side
  • marginBelow: An optional margin to use on the bottom
  • marginLeft: An optional margin to use on the left side
  • marginTop: An optional margin to use on the top

returns: The created frame


Creates an instance which is an abstract concept of someone who participates in the diagram.


  • 0: the optional name of the instance. If the next argument is missing, this will be treated as the class name of the instance
  • 1: the optional class name of the instance
  • 2: A function determining the content of the instance
  • below: the optional participant below which this instance should be placed. If set, this instance will have the same x coordinate as the given value and the y coordinate of the current event

returns: the created actor


Creates the dot signaling a message to an external source. Should always be used inline as a message to something else:


Is exactly the same as foundMessage, the meaning comes from the direction in which you declare the message


  • distance: the optional distance of the message on the x axis. Defaults to externalMessageDistance
  • diameter: the optional diameter of the dot. Defaults to externalMessageDiameter

returns: the created dot

Available class names

The following class names are available for styling/layout purposes within sequence diagrams:

  • activity-indicator-element to layout activity indicator elements
  • activity-indicator to style activity indicators
  • actor-element to layout actors
  • actor to style actors
  • destroy-cross-path-element to layout the cross of a destroyed participant
  • destroy-cross-path to style the cross of a destroyed participant
  • found-message-element to layout found message elements
  • found-message to style found messages
  • fragment-name-border to style the border around fragment names
  • fragment-name-element to layout both the border and name of fragments
  • fragment-name to style the text display of fragment names
  • fragment-subtext-element to layout the subtext of fragments
  • fragment-subtext to style the subtext of fragments
  • frame-element to layout the subtext of frames
  • frame to style frames
  • instance-element to layout instances
  • instance to style instances
  • instanced-actor-element to layout the stickman of instanced actors
  • instanced-actor to style the stickman of instanced actors
  • lost-message-element to layout lost message elements
  • lost-message to style lost messages
  • non-top-level-participant-element to style any participant after an event was declared, so its y is not 0
  • top-level-participant-element to style any participant before any event was declared, so its y is 0

Advanced functionality

Sequence diagrams offer many features that are rather intended for experienced users.


A frame is a rectangle containing a bunch of events, optionally with a text naming it and a subtext for further explanation.
To declare a frame, you have to supply two mandatory attributes:
Its top-left and bottom-right corner.
Or in Hylimo terms, event coordinates symbolising these two corners.

Here's an example frame:


Unfortunately, as you need to know both start and end to create a frame, frames will always need to be the most recent component and thus hide any underlying element. We haven't found a better way around that yet. If you want to graphically edit i.e. a message below a frame, please comment out the frame and then edit the message for the time being.

Nested Frames

You can nest frames arbitrarily if you have enough events and participants.
Simply declare a frame containing a subset of events/participants after the first one, and your subframe:


Frames with fragments

A frame can receive a number of fragments.
A fragment is a separate section inside the frame, i.e. a else if for an if.
In other words, a frame can have an optional line on the top to separate it from its predecessor, and text/subtext just like the frame.
To declare a fragment, pass a function behind the frame where you can use the fragment function:


Instanced actors

An actor can be seen as an instance too if you need it to. In this case, the actor is an instance with a stickman on top. To build an instanced actor, pass the second parameter to actor, the function declaring instance variables:


Frames as per the UML standard

Use the following code snippets to create frames that are explicitly recommended according to the UML specification:


An alt frame only executes the given code only if the condition applies.
It represents an if (else) in the code.
It can be used for example as follows:



An opt frame only executes the fragment where the condition is true.
It represents a switch in the code.
It can be used for example as follows:



A loop frame executes the code within the frame as long as the condition is true.
It represents a switch in the code.
You can optionally stop executing early using a nested break frame. When the break frame is encountered and its condition (the subtext) is true, the loop is exited.

It can be used for example as follows:



A par frame executes its fragments simultaneously.
It represents parallel execution in code.
It can be used for example as follows:



A ref frame signifies that another part of this diagram/ another sequence diagram should be executed for the components contained inside of it.
It represents a method call in code.
It can be used for example as follows:



Here is an example for a webshop order: