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HyLiMo is a textual DSL and hybrid editor for efficient modular diagramming. A deployed web-based version of our editor and documentation can be found at This documentation is still under construction, and thus currently focuses on the usage aspects of the editor. For technical aspects, we refer to the code documentation.

Important features

  • Hybrid graphical-textual approach
  • Live-synced editing
  • Graphical edits manipulate the textual definition
  • Textual DSL for defining diagrams
  • Programming language features, including custom functions and control-flow constructs
  • Styling
  • Theming
  • Modular approach, with initial support for UML class diagrams

Example diagrams

Class diagram showcasing class, interface, package and comment
Class diagram for the HyLiMo language server
Package diagram of HyLiMo