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UML Class Diagram

To create a UML class diagram, one uses the classDiagram diagram function:

classDiagram {
    // define elements


The following elements are supported:


Creats a new class element, with the defined name, and optional properties and operations:

class("Hello world") {
    public {
        x : Int
        test : String
        print(value : String) : void

Note that properties and functions are defined declaratively, and are not executable code. Thus, e.g. if x is a defined variable, the property is still named x, not the value of x. Five different types of visibility are supported:

  • public
  • private
  • protected
  • package
  • default (no visibility)

Using the section function, one can also add another section to the body of the class

class("Test") {
        "A new string entry",
        "The next string entry"

To mark a class as abstract, one can use the abstract named argument:

class("Test", abstract = true) {
    // ...

Last, the keywords named argument can be used to add keywords or stereotypes in guillemets (« and »):

class("TestEnum", keywords = list("enumeration")) {
    public {

To simplify using classes later in the diagram, class automatically sets itself on the current scope if the variable is not yet defined:


// is equivalent to
Test = class("Test")


Creates a new interface element. Identical to class, however automatically adds the «interface» keyword.

interface("Test") {
    // ...

// is equivalent to
class("Test", keywords = list("interface")) {
    // ...


Creates a UML package with a name


Optionally, a function can be passed as second parameter, while this function is executed, it has no additional semantics:

package("Test") {

// is equivalent to


Allows creating UML comments:

comment("This is a comment")

Connections / Associations

Connections / Associations are created using a PlantUMl-inspired operator syntax. Both sides of the operand can be either points, or canvasElemments, and thus classes, interfaces, packages or comments. The following operators are supported:

  • -- for a simple association
  • --* for a composition
  • --<> for an aggregation
  • extends for a generalization
  • implements for an implementation
  • ..> for a dependency
  • --! for an association not-navigatable in one direction
  • --> for an association navigatable in one direction
  • ... and several combinations of the above, e.g, !--!, *-->, ...